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His idea group all the experimenters together reflected his emphasis flexibility and good communications within the lab.18 critical materials machining job. liked jot down some ideas for experimental device and then have made up, modifying 16 it while was being built. Another advantage large laboratory was that it allowed efficient routing experimental projects. The arrangement facilities the West Orange lab point a concept throughput innovation; the various elements flowing together from one end Building the other, from Edison's room the heavy machine shop and then the manufacturing stage. The siting the precision machine shop next the experimental rooms the second floor established floor plan built around the idea of speed— ideas occurred experimenters the second floor they could quickly draw the skilled mechanics the precision room build the models and devices they needed. Edison's method inventing was based close cooperation between experimenters and machinists. The experimental rooms the second floor were the heart of the laboratory where some the great inventions were made. The second floor plan the laboratory was organized facilitate this cooperation, and did larger scale than ever before. . large staff fully supported with everything might need meant that "Inventions that formally took months and cost large sum can now done 15 in days with very small expense