According one historian the organization, the
slimmed-down administration TAE Inc.
His patents were valued $6,000,000 the statement the
new corporation, and this represented over half its book
assets. was splendid
example what vast amount business could accomplished
with little office overhead. There can no
doubt that Edison was the greatest asset the new company." Edison's name and reputation were of
inestimable value the growing competition the phonograph
and other high-tech markets the years after 1911, when he
became the advertising symbol the company. TAE Inc.
Edison's personal business and that his personality stands
behind it. was centered the person, achievements, and
future inventive potential Thomas Edison." ^
Changing the name the National Phonograph Company to
Thomas Edison Inc. Frank Dyer noted
that the principal reason for changing the name was "bring
home more firmly the public the fact that this Mr. also had some publicity value, for
Edison's personal reputation was very high; was becoming an
American folk hero the twentieth century.