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The financial strength the Edison enterprise was sapped the failure the storage battery project. addition supporting the weak . What was worrying Frank Dyer and the accountants the National Phonograph Company was that "the earning power the profitable companies here not great once was and the expenses the unprofitable concerns are not diminishing. was taking over $100,000 month keep the weaklings' heads above water 1910, and this soon began to put great strain the finances the company, which was 36 also meeting large part the laboratory payroll. The National Phonograph Company had help support the ailing storage battery and cement companies which were hemorrhaging funds. The problem for Dyer was to ensure that the profitable companies had enough funds to develop new products while avoiding financial disaster the hands the unprofitable cement, storage battery, and Lansden Electric Car companies." 37 It was probably the impending financial crisis 1910 that hastened the creation Thomas Edison Incorporated. The National Phonograph Company was still the flagship the Edison enterprise 1910 but its sales had decreased every year since 1907. The banks whom the company depended were becoming nervous about extending any more credit.VIII-23 gaining acceptance and market share: ahead lay fiercer competition and difficult technological challenges