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Several his men had been crushed ore milling equipment, and one experimenter had died from radiation poisoning. Experimenting was dangerous work; Edison had been burnt explosions, gased toxic fumes, and exposed radiation the course his work. In 1908 his secretaries announced their correspondence that "we 31 no longer commercial work the lab. Edison's business associates and the general public were told that had retired from commercial work and was now going devote himself general scientific experimenting for his own personal enjoyment. The desperate search find the bugs the battery wore him out drove himself the limit save the project. The mental trauma unsuccessful R&D campaign also took its toll and Dickson was probably not the only mucker suffer nervous breakdown. The storage battery research had detrimental effect on both Edison's finances and health." The failing health the founder presented immediate . became seriously ill 1900 and again 1901. Such was the danger this condition that Edison decided "retire from commercial business altogether" 1907. In 1900 Edison was sprightly 53-year-old, but his health had begun deteriorate and the early twentieth century marked serious decline. The pressures managing the Edison enterprise was too much for Johnny Randolph, who took his own life 1908.VIII-19 29 developing the battery and preparing for manufacture. underwent emergency surgery ear infection 1906 and 1908