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Poznámky redaktora
They were particularly busy with the job creating the large scale facilities produce storage batteries. both the motion picture and phonograph businesses it was found desirable site studios close the artistes and not force them come West Orange perform. The process involved coating the master with graphite and then electroplating thin layer gold on it. Begun 1888, the experiments had achieved success 1891, when matrices were used make records. The history the duplication project the clearest example this process. The research orientation the laboratory the 1890s was subtly changing support the manufacture new products. This matrix could used mould thousands duplicates. Tate naturally expected that this duplicating process would be 7 quickly put into operation, but was wrong. The laboratory staff were not solely concerned with R&D; they planned the layout new factories, designed the machinery, and often actually made equipment the lab and then installed place.VIII- 4 productions justified the construction studio 21st Street New York, the artistic center the country, make films. The laboratory played critical part the expansion the Edison enterprise: The center this sprawling industrial empire was the main laboratory building the West Orange complex. Edison's staff, especially Charles Wurth and his son Al, spent the next ten years trying get better quality duplicate with less