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Poznámky redaktora
Building the chemistry lab, became a beehive activity with dozen chemists assigned finding a lighter alternative the lead-acid battery. (Illus 8-1 The year 1900 began with labor force of 700 and the end the year Edison's secretary estimated that 1000 men were employed the Works and 150 the laboratory— significant increase over the work force the 1890s 3 The experimenters and machinists West Orange were busy with many different projects, ranging from new electromagnetic meter developing alkaline storage battery to testing new kilns for manufacturing Portland cement. garage was erected the main laboratory yard to .VIII- 2 expansion. Edison too was fascinated the potential self-propelled vehicle and as early 1896 had the lab experiment with motorized tricycle. To undertake these different projects, Edison and his men reorganized several the buildings the laboratory and added new ones. Believing that the future belonged the electric car, Edison set out develop battery for that was lighter and more economical than the traditional lead-acid battery. From 1895 onward, America entered into automobile craze, with the popular press celebrating every invention related the automobile. Building which had been the site the ore milling research, was converted for experiments duplicating record cylinders. Edison had decided apply his electrochemical expertise the newly developing automobile market