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Yet even more significantly, this approach indicates that Edison had thoroughly routinized the innovation process. each experimenter Edison assigned specific material arrangement, and the experimenter then conducted long series standard experiments until secured the best possible results. While this convergent approach produced highly reliable results, came the price requiring huge number of individual experiments.4 Edison organized the storage battery project convergent set tasks. Proceeding this manner, Edison thoroughly investigated several electrochemical combinations and determined the one best suited his purposes. Gone were the last vestiges the heroic myth invention which insight . Furthermore, he was able build the results one series experiments, and thus converge ideal design for his battery. Edison and his team then moved the next component problem and attacked in the same way. According one experimenter, the O storage battery probably required over 50,000 experiments. Edison reviewed the results different chemists and chose the material for that particular component. breaking down the research into sequence small, standardized experiments, Edison had shifted the creative act away from mechanical ingenuity and careful observation being based more persistence and careful record-keeping. Rather than turning several imaginative muckers loose the battery, had his team thoroughly investigate each component the battery