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particular, the size and cost some of his projects increased, Edison was less inclined rely on a handful talented experimenters and instead chose to routinize the research process. Just had done during the electric lighting campaign, Edison had his assistants pore . Edison started his hunt for new battery 1898 not with random experiments the laboratory but with thorough search the technical literature. Most accounts have pointed out that Edison began with specific commercial goal mind and that had his men conduct literature searches and market surveys. Some historians have claimed that Edison conceived and conducted his research efforts rational and systematic manner while others have insisted that his approach was much more random, shaped inspiration and luck.^ The storage battery project reveals that some the elements the rational Edisonian methodology are true, but more importantly, shows that his approach evolved.1 SIDEBAR THE CHANGING RESEARCH PROCESS WEST ORANGE Much has been written over the years about Edison's method invention. the course this evolution, the West Orange lab moved gradually away from the free-wheeling style Menlo Park and began resemble some of the other corporate research laboratories that appeared the early twentieth century