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1894 he left the laboratory join the Latham Brothers. William Gilmore was brought manage the National Phonograph and the Edison Manufacturing Companies 1894. Dickson was not the only Edison employee leave West Orange and take his technological knowledge competing company; skilled men could command high wages for their specialized knowledge and many were hired away from West Orange.VII-33 skill inventor who hitched his star Edison's. Gilmore brought his great energy bear this . Fred Devonald had worked his way through the hierachy West Orange and owed everything Edison. took his laboratory notebooks with him and provided the new company . was finally made chief engineer but Devonald was only nominal charge the laboratory; Edison made all the important decisions. Edison put him charge his finances and told him make some order out the diverse operations at West Orange. In place the independently minded men who blended technical with entreprenuerial skills, Edison hired professional engineers and promoted the faithful. The latter were taken out the hands of the technical staff (who had once been forced wear both hats) and given professional managers. During the 1890s Edison began to make distinctions between technical considerations and business decisions. 44 with his considerable experience motion pictures. He had been Insull's assistant Schenectady and had been schooled the Insull the intricacies the "old man's" business affairs