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The decision find better storage battery was not an act incautious haste Edison rebounded from the ore milling failure, but rational decision based the available resources the laboratory and the commercial potential the innovation.VII-30 batteries. did not begin with unstructured search of every possible electrochemical combination but with the usual study the technical literature. These experiments began soon the laboratory opened and were continued through the 1890s. was not charting new ground; was convinced that alternative to the lead-acid cell did exist and could found "if real earnest hunt were made for it. The West Orange laboratory staff had also considerable experience the engineering battery manufacture. Edison guided the project along familiar lines and across familiar territory."^® The lab's staff were knowledgeable about the chemical reactions cells and all the equipment was hand. Every effort had been made economize and streamline the production cells the Silver Lake complex.") From 1900 1909, Edison spent much his time working with chemists the search for the ideal electrochemical combination. Commercial considerations were uppermost these experiments; each electrochemical combination was tested, . (See Sidebar "The Changing Research Process West Orange. The Edison Manufacturing Company produced thousands Edison-Lalande primary batteries which were used power phonographs, railway signals, and medical equipment