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There were still several adjusting screws on the reproducer assembly which were essential for precise reproduction.VII-15 reproducer amplify the sound. The "perfected phonograph" was not the result flash of inspiration but the endpoint years basic research in . The all important musical reproducer had been developed 1893, and all that was left after this was to engineer commercial machine exploit the better fidelty gained improvements the diaphragm and wax compound." Edison commented that the 1896 phonograph was the result design changes rather than any patentable 23 technology. Edison had successfully reoriented the existing technology towards the user simplifying the machine's operation, the user needed only place the diaphragm the record. The new models 1896 were not radically new machines. 23 machine) and was aimed the mass market. They were not "inventions" and hardly justified the label of "innovations. was simple, sturdy, and solid. The spring motor machine was planned retail at about $40 (equal one years lease the old business . The cost manufacture had been reduced significantly using many components the old type, including the top plate and reproducer holder. this way he eliminated many the operating problems which dogged the business machine. The spring motor phonograph had two main controls: a start-stop switch which activated the drive and screw to retard accelerate the speed rotation