Edison's laboratory presented dignified face the world
passing main street. master metal
working, was also competent foreman and manager. The dark-bearded Englishman had the craft skills that
made Manchester the workshop the world.
Here the graceful, arched windows the library rose two
stories break the line plain industrial structure. was ideal counterbalance Edison who
often got involved experimental project that forgot
everything else.
The first building erected was the original
laboratory designed Holly." Throughout 1887 Batchelor got with the
job building and equipping what was the largest
private laboratory the world. Batchelor was sent install machines the
Clark thread mills Newark, met Edison, and never returned
home. This was the work end the laboratory where
and New Jersey. His neat,
well-organized notebooks are indication his orderly mind
and precise hand. (Illus 1-3,#6110) The west end of
the long building faced the road that cut through the Oranges. According one Edison's experimenters,
Batchelor was the "sometimes needed, conservative element of
the combination. The library— always situated the
entrance all Edison's plans for the laboratory— gave an
impression intellectual effort within and leant support to
the notion that learning was essential inventing. But the
other end the laboratory stood the power house which
contained the steam engine and dynamos provide power, heat
and light