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The amount financial support from changed over time as company and inventor negotiated the costs the experiments. Edison told 1897 that hope either succeed the filament come understanding with you to continue. There are few other details extant Edison's "perfect filament" and probably remained experimental proposition rather than major innovation.. In December 1896 wrote Fish have reached very curious stage the lamp filament work. The efficiency the bulb had been greatly improved since 1879 but there was still long way to go." Edison did contine the work incandescent filaments and fluorescent lamps, with average weekly expenditure around $250— reduction the level of c expenditure the early part the decade." The new agreement signed with 1896 gave Edison $1000 month pay for the experiments on filaments and other electrical technology. The central problem was improve the poor efficiency bulb that converted most the current into heat rather than light. Getting back work meant applying himself the problems of commutator design, producing new meters and measuring instruments, and most all, finding better filament for the incandescent bulb.VII- 2 GE..evidently have a 4 perfect filament. The policy the . Edison could only have experimented filaments the winter months when the Ogden mill was closed down, but kept up stream enthusiastic reports General Electric