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$120 for one night's work was more than anyone made a month the laboratory! The public soon tired the same films strips and demand for fresh film subjects rapidly outstripped supply. was A. The camera was heavy and immobile and needed solid platform to work on.O.. Tate who supervised the delivery the first kinetoscopes the Holland Brothers' parlor Broadway near 27th street.1 SIDEBAR 6-3 THE BLACK MARIA The fluid organization the West Orange laboratory led Edison's secretary into the business exploiting the motion picture. cannot recall even a face. one o'clock the morning locked the door and went to all-night restaurant regale ourselves on broiled lobsters, enriched the sum about one hundred and twenty dollars. the camera could only hold about feet of film, film subjects were fixed around 35-40 seconds.If had wanted close the place at six o'clock would have been necessary engage a squad policemen. The technical limitations the kinetograph defined the form the film and limited its production. got dinner. new building was therefore constructed the .. His description the first night the kinetoscope gives impression its appeal and the profits that could made with it: I wish now that had recorded the face the person to whom sold the first ticket. was kept too busy passing out tickets and taking money