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(Illus 6-2, Kinetoscope 7197) The marketing the kinetoscope also followed the example the phonograph. Edison's idea was exploit the novelty appeal moving pictures and sell the kinetoscope to amusement parlors. Kinetoscopes were soon . The kinetoscope was pine box with hole the top for viewing. Both projects suffered from delays. This outlet had proved very successful for the phonograph. The two machines were being worked concurrently the lab and the Works. There was obviously market for moving pictures the time and Edison knew from the phonograph experience that selling the product novelty familiarized the public with while making profits. The lower part of the box held the foot loop film which was arranged over rollers and then moved the top the machine for viewing. The upper part the box contained electric motor, shutter, and incandescent lamp illuminate the images. The electricity for the motor was provided a AQ primary battery, just like the phonograph. It was designed arcade machine which the customer paid to see film strip and was closely modelled the coin-in-slot phonograph which was being developed the same time.THE KINETOSCOPE The kinetoscope was the first attempt get the new technology into form suitable for commercial exploitation