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The ore milling project . I hope that you are satisfied with the kineto-phonograph.VI-37 controversy. Dickson recalled that led Edison the new photographic building and there the machine produced image of Dickson, four foot five foot, while phonograph played the message: "Good Morning Mr. The laboratory's staff soon found that the thinner celluloid film produced the Blair Company was best suited to moving pictures. His device was exhibited the Lenox Lyceum in 1890. Edison, glad see you back. His first caveat October 1888 mentioned that "the picture might projected screen. New models were built that used 3/4- inch wide films with 1/2-inch square images; Dickson was slowly working toward best format for the film which combined the desirable mechanical and photographic properties." Dickson claimed to have shown Edison projected moving image, accompanied by sound, welcome the boss his return from Paris the fall 1889. Many would deny Edison the priority this invention but there can little doubt that Edison saw the possibilities projecting image and devoted experiments to it. Dickson also experimented with tachyscope which enabled him to project images." The development work the kinetoscope continued through 1890, aided better film strip and mechanical improvements in the machine. Finally there Edison's marginal note Terry Ramsaye's Million and One Nights:" "The facts are that Dickson and had machine projecting screen foot 45 square the time were making the kinetoscope