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From then onwards the development film technology was dependent the film makers producing finer . soon Dickson found out about these strips celluloid film coated with sensitive emulsion, obtained some samples from John Carbutt of Philadelphia. This moved the film steadily past the lens. the end the year their efforts had brought forward the critical breakthrough the development motion pictures: the use perforated film strip place the pictures revolving drum.VI-35 experimenters, who joined the team when the need arose for their skills. Throughout 1889 they worked several machines to take and show moving pictures. Here was the advantage wide information net that could give the workers West Orange the benefit of technological advances elsewhere. moved from fixing small photographs coating the drum with gelatine containing silver salts. The thick sheets film were cut into strips and the top side the strip was cut into the form teeth which engaged ratchet. The most important contribution to Dickson's work West Orange came from the manufacturers of photographic film: John Carbutt Philadelphia, the Blair Company Boston, and the Eastman Company Rochester, New York. Dickson soon found that the microscopic photographs affixed the drum were impracticable and began increase the size, and improve the definition, the image. Celluloid film strip was also manufactured Eastman's and the first order for this improved film was made Dickson in September 1889