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Everything connected with the ore milling project was massive, from the size the machinery the amount ore processed each day. The Bechtelville and Ogden operations were set pilot plants technology that would prove its worth the mining industry exactly the same way that the Pearl Street central station had shown the viability the Edison electric lighting system. After the ground was torn apart, the huge chunks of rock were removed and carried railroad skips the large rock crushing machines where they were broken into successively smaller lumps.VI-23 bought mine Ogden and began equip with his ore separation machinery. moved from selling separators going directly 28 into the mining and concentrating business. was only when all these efforts failed that Edison took over the ore milling operation himself. Edison bought large steam shovels (one was the largest America) and several travelling cranes carry out this work. Instead was going run the mines himself and then negotiate with the mine owners, from a position strength, once his method had been proven successful. The job breaking the rocks . naturally needed financial support for the project and tried attract groups of investors into it. He decided that was waste time persuading mine owners to adopt the new technology. The ore seams Ogden ran straight line Edison used giant earth movers cut open huge strip mine the side the mountain, creating enormous artificial canyon