Edison planned
several chemical projects for his new laboratory: tanning,
electro-chemistry, ozone for bleaching, and the production of
similarly the first American corporate laboratories were set up
for industrial chemistry. The latter was very important part Edison's method. The first two steps were
described thus: "1st. Ask for
Another plan for the new laboratory contained machine shop,
chemical laboratory, and library all placed the ground
floor. Edison had also discussed several
other projects with Batchelor, including new method make
fine wire and process electroplating. Some these experiments would have immediate
commercial application the large tanning and textile
industries New Jersey. Study present construction. The Pennsylvania Railroad, for
example, created chemistry laboratory early 1875 to
analyze and test materials.
He always began experimental project with thorough search
of the scientific literature. His conclusion that "9/10ths the uncertainties of
pig iron making were dispelled under the burning sun of
chemical knowledge" was repeated other industrialists who
saw the value chemistry their businesses. Even Andrew Carnegie, who
maintained that "pioneering don't pay," saw the advantages of
hiring chemist analyze the operation his blast
By 1887 Edison's ideas for the new lab were taking shape. The latter noted in
his diary that "immediately the new lab finished these will
be commenced earnest. 2nd