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His ore milling company would his "Standard Oil"— large, highly efficient operation with few competitors and incredible profits. 1889 Edison realized that had the potential become revolutionary technology that could transform the production iron and steel, one America's major industries. New Jersey still had large deposits low grade ore, and Edison thought his separating machines could make paying proposition out these dead mines, reversing the westward migration steel mills and giving him profitable monopoly major source ore. the height the project envisaged running 8 large mills New Jersey with total yearly output over . He prided himself the practicality his innovations and in 1892 claimed that ore milling was the most "commercial" thing had ever done.VI-19 EDISON'S FOLLY:THE ORE MILLING VENTURE The appeal ore milling Edison was its profit. Shortage ore had forced iron masters import iron ore from Cuba and Spain. The magnetic separation ores had been one the many experimental programs undertaken the lab its first decade. What started one more promising experimental result turned into massive effort reorient the slow westward shift the iron and steel industry and revitalize Eastern blast furnaces, which were steady decline because the exhaustion iron ores the Northeastern corridor