The most important work done for
EGE the laboratory was the incandescent bulb."
The new contract stipulated that "the facilities his
(Edison's) laboratory are the disposal the company. The court's
decision 1889 had confirmed Edison the inventor the
electric light and Edison General Electric wanted the world to
know that they had his patents and genius their disposal.VI-14
The ties between the West Orange laboratory and the
electrical industry were not broken the 1890s, fact they
grew even stronger." The
lab carried out work under contract for EGE alternating
current equipment, transformers, meters, motors, testing
instruments, and arc lights. new contract was made 1890 which
EGE supported the costs half Edison's experimental time
for the next five years.
Edison's room the second floor the laboratory was
fitted out work filaments and nearby were the
glassblower's room and the vacuum pump room which took their
power from the overhead shaft running from the precision
. The annual report EGE justified this expense
by pointing out the great value Edison's experiments on
reducing the costs incandescent lamps. concluded: "in
view the value Edison's services, the Company has a
new contract with him, under which devotes greater part of
his services the Company. Three quarters the laboratory's
work time was devoted electrical development and the
company agreed bear the expenses this work weekly
limit $1200