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Edison visited some the leading central stations Europe and was given tour the great Siemens Works Berlin where Edison lighting equipment was made. There was strong link between Edison's work the United States and the development of . dinner honor the fiftieth anniversary of Daguerre, talked with Etienne Marey who had considerable experience photographing motion. Edison's visit Marey's laboratory Paris was turning point the development of motion pictures."^ (See kinetoscope section. The 1889 exhibition had attracted many companies to Paris and doubt Edison gathered information the competition assiduously collected foreign technical journals. The incandescent bulb had achieved successful diffusion throughout Europe and many countries had Edison lighting systems operation.VI- 7 phonographs Wherever went, Edison exchanged information with the European scientific community and often got an opportunity see the latest advances important technologies.) Edison made several business deals while Europe, notably the purchase the Lalande battery rights which provided his phonograph with reliable source electricity and was the beginning important business for him. The collection scientific information from all parts the world was the foundation Edison's method innovation at West Orange. His business activities during this trip illustrate the international nature the Edison enterprise