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" ® In the middle the crowded summer 1889 Edison left the laboratory for Europe. For his part, Edison was still ready develop the new technology needed meet the competition. While Edison was feted Europe his . That should take trip to Europe the middle several important experimental projects is measure his confidence his staff. Edison's fascination with ore milling began dominate his affairs 1889 shifted his attention and money ore separation experiments. the beginning of 1889, thought the phonograph campaign was coming end and told his associates that soon finished with the phonograph would take "fresh pull" electricity.^ The new campaign electricity was hampered several new developments the laboratory: more problems with the phonograph, the beginning motion picture experiments, and a realization that ore separation might bring fabulous profits. His secretary thought that Edison had taken too much: "I often have wondered Edison might not have accomplished more if had attempted less. The laboratory was carrying over 70 experimental projects its books this point and the "old man's" time was spread thinly over many different experiments. had promised his wife European vacation and also planned visit the Paris Exposition where had large display.VI- 3 small test installation made, was never formally introduced by EGE. The phonograph, alternating current, and ore milling experiments had all reached critical points