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4 connections (such Henry Villard). But instead joining the other millionaires building mansions the blocks the south of Central Park, chose rural setting for his new life as married man and industrialist. Designed Henry Hudson Holly, one the most influential and popular residential architects his time, exuberant .^ Edison purchased Glenmont, sprawling castle that cost him nearly quarter million dollars in 1887 and was appraised much higher figure. purchased 350 acres land the Orange valley and set about creating romantic, rustic setting for residential community. Llewellyn Park contained all the elements a well-landscaped arcadia, including acre park called the Ramble, and was dotted with impressive mansions built high American gothic style. Here they purchased house Llewellyn Park, enclave of magnificent houses that was the first planned residential community the United States. The newly-weds moved West Orange the scenic Orange valley, resort area for the urban masses Newark that was only miles west from New York City. Glenmont an impressive Victorian house which reflects multitude of architectural styles and enthusiastic decorative motives. Haskell helped pioneer the idea finding rural alternatives living the city the 1850s and 1860s."* The idea for this development, "country houses for city people," came from Llewellyn Haskell, successful importer of pharmaceuticals and supporter projects like Central Park in New York City