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reporter from the New York Herald asked the questions which set new direction of experiments motion and Edison asked Kennelly find out how much alternating current would kill dog. Edison did not originate the investigation into the killing powers alternating current, he was drawn into the work New York state commission investigating humane methods capital punishment. December 1887 the commission polled the leading figures the electrical world this issue and Edison was one the respondents. The therapeutic use of electricity had begun well before Edison invented the incandescent bulb and its popularity grew steadily as electricity became more available.^ Edison was not the only one interested the effect of electricity the human body. Brown had connection with the Edison enterprise other than his employment electric pen .V-27 electricity the human body early 1887. According the Arthur Kennelly, the chief electrician the laboratory and the leader the team investigating the effects electricity, they had not distinguished between the two types current their experiments this point. Among the people carrying out research this area was Harold Brown, self-styled consulting engineer and rabid opponent Westinghouse's alternating current system. This was done with practical purpose; Edison wanted know more about this phenomenon better safeguard the lives the men working in 44 the electrical industry