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Poznámky redaktora
" ; It significant note the fact that the Edison Company has during the. ' ’ V / ’ THIS COMPANY THE OWNER THE INVENTIONS AND PATENTS OF î j THOMAS: EDISOIiKSi3 : • 'tt Which Patents nhsolntcly control tills ONLY permanently Established and.Illustration 5-3 lb« Edison Incandescent Lamp Figures tor the United States alone now aggregate Afore than 1,000 INSTALLATIONS, 100,000 HORSE-POWER, 1,000,000 LAMPS, AND$20,000,000 CAPITAL. BOSTON CO. 4 I i NEW YORK CO. COMPANY, Fifth- Avenue,.: Capital, $650,500,2 Stations; Capacity, 50,000 Lamps. Nothing could more forcibly; emphaY--| size andattest the accepted valueof the Edison Central Station Industry investment!;#^ 'V.: Capital, $2,500,000,4 Stations; Capacity, ,150,000 Lamps, 'i CHICAGO CO. form ation relativ l»olated Plant» ‘ EDISON" UNITED . . past year enlisted' an amount capital and put under construction station capacity far excess the aggregate3 Incandescent work all other companies combined. commercially Successful - METHOD GENERAL ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION,6 v As «ridane» ofthe growth sad »at prosperity the Sditoti System attention eaUedio the characterand eoopeofa few the Stations now operation and under construction.v- f w s PATENTS, INVESTMENT, FUTILITY GUARANTEES, DANGER ANU MURAL. New. .: Capital, $750,000,1 Station; Capacity, 40,000 lamps.: Capital, $1,000,000,1 Station: Capacity;50,000 lam ps.York.. F form ation tiv tral tation apply the ÌD1S0N ELECTRIC-LIGHT COMPANY Broad Slfeet, New York, .MFG. PHILADELPHIA CO