They wanted convinced the
potential return R&D expenditure. The development insulating materials
provides example the growing tension between Edison and
his customers the electrical industry. Edison's agents were scouring the
globe for exotic materials while managers New Jersey were
counting the cost— over $100,000 for each sample filament. His
secretary warned that "It made difference him what the
cost might when had objective view."
The companies wanted integrate Edison's R&D into their
business strategies, rather than have Edison's technological
choices decide their future.... the nature and extent the advantages derived to
this Company? and whom will the resultant benefits accrue?
These were valid questions ask before beginning an
experimental project. Their attitude research
was expressed thus: "Before authorizing any expenditure.V-16
enthusiastically supported expensive projects such the
search for new filaments. (See Sidebar THE
The management the Edison lighting companies believed
that research and development was certainly important, but it
had placed within the constraints time and money..the
first and most important question they will want determined is
. The Edison companies were
Nobody challenged the purpose, the validity, the
laboratory's work— managers merely wanted prompt and accurate
information about its cost and the opportunity veto a
project that was running over budget