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private secretary, Insull had administered Edison's business and personal finances and now had the job running the financial affairs the Edison lighting empire. Samuel Insull, Edison's secretary Menlo Park and New York, was made manager the Machine Works. Edison's important electrical patents were the hands the Edison Electric Lighting Company which sold the franchises local lighting companies and provided overall direction the Edison electrical empire.2 bring electric light the world. The Electric Tube Company made underground conductors and the Edison Lamp Works made incandescent bulbs. The superintendent the Edison Machine Works was John Kruesi—. Small lighting installations were installed the Edison Company for Isolated Lighting, but the large power stations were erected local lighting companies who had pay for the Pearl Street technology. Johnson, friend and colleague from their days as telegraphers. Edison soon moved out his laboratory Menlo Park and set house Granmercy Park lower Manhattan, short walk away from the headquarters the Edison Electric Light Company at Fifth Avenue. made sure that his friends and allies were given important positions the new companies. Bergmann and Company provided the switches, fixtures, and other small parts of the lighting system. The Edison Machine Works was established New York make heavy dynamos for power stations. The Electric Lighting Company was presided over Edward H