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Deputations from potential customers were given. period intense competition and rapid growth focused attention the most dynamic new industry of the Second Industrial Revolution. Edison's fortune, and his financial future, were dependent the success the phonograph but was electricity which kept the laboratory in the public eye.1 CHAPTER FIVE "A POWERFUL INCENTIVE" EDISON'S LABORATORY AND THE ELECTRICAL INDUSTRY The great experimental campaigns perfect the phonograph went unnoticed the public continued associate Edison's laboratory with electricity. Edison once said that he needed incentive invent: 1887 had the opportunity to pit his inventive powers, and his great new laboratory, with the best his contemporaries.(Illus 5-1, Edison laboratory in the 1890s. The Edison Electric Light Company naturally stressed the technological advantage possessed Edison and his laboratory, and used selling point market its franchises.) The Edison electrical companies made the most their special relationship with Edison and the prestige the largest industrial research center the United States