24) List experiments dated Dec 1887, 1887 Phono Gen. further problem was cracking caused low
31) Caveat for improvements phonographs, July 1890, 1890
Phono, caveats; J.
30) Tate, Open Door, pp. 12, Dec 1892, p.A.
29) Phonogram. The acid the compound reacted with the metal
of the stylus create the oxidization problem referred by
Tate.: American Chemical Society, 1971), pp. 161-162; 880823, Aylsworth*s
26) boom that collapsed," Philadelphia Times. Sept 1889.
Notage Mar 1878: .
1890, 154-156
33) Batchelor Diary, 1337 p."Cited Hounshell, "From the
American System Mass Production (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins,
1984), 333; London Daily Telegraph.
20) F. 434-5. Byron Vanderbilt, Edison the Chemist (Washington,
D.S. Hepworth "The Phonograph," The Technical Educator.17) Tate Wright, Feb 1888, Phono Gen Jan Apr. The composition the wax cylinders was based a
mixture stearic acid and its salt, sodium stearate, which is
used soaps.
28) TAE Batchelor, May 1889, 890408, 325.
25) TAE P.S.
32) T.
21) TAE Gouraud, May 1889, 890521, 170. 121-124.
18) Account sheet, Jan 1889, 1889 Phono General; TAE G. Beecher TAE, Nov 1889, Phono General;
Electrical World.582.
19) Tate Lippincott, Nov 1888, 870621, 394.274.
22) Tate Dyer, Sept 1888, Phono Gen
23) TAE Gouraud, Oct 1888, Phono Gen. Dyer, May 1889, 890408, pp.W. Mov 1888, 1888 Phono
Gen. Toppan Lippincott, Oct 1888, 1888 Phono
27) Louis Glass TAE, July 1910, 1910 Personal friends;
"Mew Model" List, 1888 Phono Gen.C. Jan 1891,
1891 Phono, Talking doll.C