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The invention the phonograph had brought him world-wide fame. was triumph for Edison and the beginning a great new industry. After his most famous invention 1879, Edison spent many years designing and installing the first electric lighting system. The apex his career was his development electricity commercial product his Menlo Park laboratory.) successful manufacturer stock tickers, Edison had gained profits and some influential friends Wall Street. Although the Pearl Street Station did not look like impressive engineering feat, proved that electricity supply was technologically feasible.1 CHAPTER ONE THE BEST LAB EVER. New York's Pearl Street central station was completed 1882. distributed electricity for light and power few blocks the commercial district lower Manhattan. Once Edison had demonstrated the commercial potential of his invention, formed several companies promote his system lighting and manufacture the lamps and machines to . (Illus 1-1, Edison Metallurgy Lab. When Edison reached the age February 1887, he had achieved more than many men their whole lifetimes