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These two options were expensive, time consuming, and produced poor quality recordings. The musical phonograph was not only different machine from the business phonograph, also needed supply of prerecorded cylinders augment the musical recordings made in the home. The only way to duplicate recordings cylinders was either make the artist repeat the performance several times copy the cut the cylinder pantograph process.IV-22 music (rather than the voice alone) demanded more sensitivity and more volume from the diaphragm. provide these recordings, part the top floor of the laboratory was converted into recording studio. cheap method of duplicating these recordings had found before the amusement phonograph had commercial future.) These would then sold businessmen who were using the phonographs arcades. Edison recognized the great profit opportunity in mass producing recorded cylinders and set about finding cheap . These were conflicting goals while the spectacle format was used with the soft soap wax cylinders— the heavier the weight the reproducer the greater the volume, but heavier tracking pressure marred fidelty and damaged the wax surface. The functions this "Music Room" ranged from experiments on recording techniques providing musical cylinders the North American Phonograph Company.430, #7058. (Illus 4-4, Music Room, 29. Moving separate device for recording and reproducing functions opened the way 38 for better sound recreation