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Poznámky redaktora
4-3, #9218) The coin-in-the slot phonograph was highly successful: it attracted attention, increased user familiarity with the machine, and maintained steady level sales which provided much needed work for the laboratory. The late 1889 model phonograph had one holder be used for either the reproducer recorder instead the spectacle arrangement. The work on the latter was vital part the evolution amusement phonograph. Now the laboratory staff could design reproducers and recorders different weight which gave them the flexibility improve the reproducer. Edison applied for patent November 1889 which incorporated many the improvements made during that busy year.IV-21 which was soon manufactured West Orange. (Illus. The spectacle with two diaphragms was replaced a single dual purpose recorder/reproducer. Edison's commitment the single-user business market in his 1887-1889 patents shown his emphasis speaking and listening tubes rather than horns which provided means of acoustic amplification. also featured an improved start/stop control and shaver mechanism which removed the groove from the cylinder, enabling more than one recording to made. Yet soon the feedback from the local companies indicated that there was market for an amusement phonograph, Edison began consider the design a phonograph for entertainment use the home. This included designing wooden cabinet for the machine and developing a recorder/reproducer assembly suitable for music. The reproduction of