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Edison's laboratory West Orange, the other hand, both accessible and appropriate symbol the Second Industrial Revolution.2 Revolution does not have the same powerful images the First; the steam engine and textile mill are universally recognized as the symbols for that great movement which began Great Britain and spread the United States the second decade of the nineteenth century. The new industries the 1870s and 1880s not have the same familiar symbols. The Bessemer steel and synthetic chemical industries have left no structure that the general public immediately associates with a period rapid economic growth which the United States led the world. The complex buildings West Orange was erected in the late 1880s, when the Second Industrial Revolution was just beginning. Here Edison worked spreading his electrical lighting systems all over the industrialized West and lowering the price electricity until was available everyone. Edison perfected the phonograph this . Edison's Pearl Street station— the architectural relic the electrical industry— longer standing downtown Manhattan. the greatest industrial research facility the United States, the laboratory was the breeding ground for new generation technology and the starting point some important new industries the twentieth century. The motion picture camera was invented the laboratory, along with host other important products such the Edison storage battery and dictating machine