High Voltage Cable Systems Cables and Accessories up to 550 kV

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Development, consultancy, planning and design, cost-optimization, production, logistics, installation and service. With this all-round support the nkt cables HV-team will be at ourcustomer’s service in regard of the products high voltage and extra-high voltage cables and accessories. Optimized internal communication systems, specialized divisions and intensively trained team members are the power behind the customer-orientated installation solutions. With competence and know-how the nkt cables “Power Team” provides secure and reliable power supply wherever fully developed high-voltage power transmission is ...

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Poznámky redaktora
/km 0,0291 0,0247 0,0212 0,0186 0,0165 0,0149 0,0119 Cu conductor resistance 90°C approx. kV/mm 2,9 3,1 3,6 3,8 3,9 4,8 4,9 Capacitance per core approx. 100 103 108 113 116 123 Cable weight (Cu/Al) approx. kV/mm 9,3 9,5 9,3 9,2 8,7 8,6 8,5 at core screen approx. /km 0,0176 0,0151 0,0129 0,0113 0,0101 0,0090 0,0072 Al conductor max. mH/km 0,49 0,47 0,44 0,42 0,41 0,38 0,36 Current Ratings/Power Ratings (continuous load) trefoil installation Cu conductor cables circuit A/MVA 423/161 470/179 524/200 584/223 648/247 702/267 754/287 2 circuits A/MVA 357/136 396/151 440/168 489/186 540/206 582/222 623/237 Al conductor cables circuit A/MVA 333/127 372/142 420/160 473/180 531/202 587/224 642/245 2 circuits A/MVA 282/107 314/120 352/134 396/151 443/169 487/186 531/202 Type (A)2XS(FL)2Y RMS/110 127/220 with segmental conductor (RMS) Dimensions/Cross Sections mm² 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2500 Conductor, round, stranded, segmental, approx. /km 0,0232 0,0201 0,0175 0,0156 0,0142 0,0129 0,0109 Al conductor approx. /km 0,125 0,100 0,0778 0,0605 0,0469 0,0367 0,0291 Cu conductor resistance 90°C approx. µF/km 0,215 0,236 0,248 0,260 0,260 0,270 0,294 Inductance approx. kg/m 7,4/5,9 8,0/6,1 8,6/6,2 9,9/6,8 11,4/7,5 12,5/7,5 14,6/8,4 Permissible pulling force (Cu/Al) max. 12/7,2 15/9,0 20/12 25/15 32/19 40/24 50/30 Bending radius during laying min. mH/km 0,56 0,55 0,53 0,52 0,51 0,50 0,47 Current Ratings/Power Ratings (continuous load) flat installation Cu conductor cables circuit A/MVA 989/377 1060/404 1136/433 1201/458 1253/477 1308/498 1406/536 2 circuits A/MVA 857/327 917/349 981/374 1035/394 1080/412 1126/429 1207/460 Al conductor cables circuit A/MVA 782/298 849/324 915/349 979/373 1035/394 1086/414 1201/458 2 circuits A/MVA 678/258 734/280 790/301 844/322 892/340 935/356 1031/393 . kV/mm 5,0 5,4 5,5 5,5 5,2 5,3 5,4 Capacitance per core approx. mm² 50 Outer diameter approx. /km 0,0972 0,0780 0,0617 0,0490 0,0391 0,0323 0,0273 Al conductor approx. 50/30 60/36 70/42 80/48 90/54 100/60 125/75 Bending radius during laying min. /km 0,161 0,129 0,101 0,0790 0,0621 0,0498 0,0407 Field strength U0 at conductor screen approx.8 220 Single Core XLPE Cables with Copper Wire Screen and APL Sheath Type (A)2XS(FL)2Y RM/50 127/220 with stranded compacted conductor (RM) Dimensions/Cross Sections mm² 240 300 400 500 630 800 1000 Conductor, Al, round, stranded, approx. 1,25 1,25 1,25 1,30 1,35 1,30 1,40 Electrical Data Cu conductor resistance 20°C max. 19,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 19,0 19,0 19,0 Screen, copper wire, cross section nom. 1,50 1,50 1,55 1,60 1,70 1,75 1,85 Electrical Data Cu conductor resistance 20°C max. /km 0,0754 0,0601 0,0470 0,0366 0,0283 0,0221 0,0176 Al conductor max. 2,05 2,10 2,05 2,15 2,25 2,20 2,30 at terminations min. 25,0 24,0 22,0 22,0 22,0 19,0 19,0 Screen, copper wire, cross section nom. /km 0,0375 0,0319 0,0275 0,0240 0,0213 0,0193 0,0156 Field strength U0 at conductor screen approx. 2,45 2,50 2,60 2,70 2,80 2,90 3,05 at terminations min. kV/mm 10,2 9,9 10,0 9,5 9,2 9,8 9,5 at core screen approx. mm² 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 Outer diameter approx. kg/m 16/10,1 18/10,6 20/11,4 22/12,4 25/13,6 27/14,5 32/16,6 Permissible pulling force (Cu/Al) max. 18,3 20,7 23,4 26,5 30,0 34,2 38,1 XLPE insulation nom. 92 Cable weight (Cu/Al) approx. µF/km 0,106 0,116 0,133 0,143 0,155 0,187 0,201 Inductance approx. 39,0 42,0 45,3 48,5 51,3 54,3 60,9 XLPE insulation nom