Development, consultancy, planning and design, cost-optimization, production, logistics, installation and service. With this all-round support the nkt cables HV-team will be at ourcustomer’s service in regard of the products high voltage and extra-high voltage cables and accessories. Optimized internal communication systems, specialized divisions and intensively trained team members are the power behind the customer-orientated installation solutions. With competence and know-how the nkt cables “Power Team” provides secure and reliable power supply wherever fully developed high-voltage power transmission is ...
Poznámky redaktora
/km 0,164 0,125 0,100 0,0778 0,0605 0,0469 0,0367
Cu conductor resistance 90°C approx. 9,3/5,6 12/7,2 15/9,0 20/12 25/15 32/19 40/24
Bending radius during laying min. 1,85 1,80 1,80 1,85 1,90 2,00 2,05
at terminations min. kg/m 6,0/4,4 6,2/4,3 6,8/4,5 7,7/5,2 8,8/5,7 10,3/6,4 11,7/6,8
Permissible pulling force (Cu/Al) max. kV/mm 6,9 6,9 6,9 6,8 6,5 6,3 6,6
at core screen approx. /km 0,0991 0,0754 0,0601 0,0470 0,0366 0,0283 0,0221
Al conductor max. 39,0 42,0 45,3 48,5 51,3 54,3 60,9
XLPE insulation nom. 50/30 60/36 70/42 80/48 90/54 100/60 125/75
Bending radius during laying min. 1,40 1,40 1,45 1,50 1,55 1,60 1,70
Electrical Data
Cu conductor resistance 20°C max. mH/km 0,49 0,46 0,44 0,42 0,40 0,39 0,36
Current Ratings/Power Ratings (continuous load) trefoil installation
Cu conductor cables circuit A/MVA 368/84 420/96 469/107 525/120 586/134 649/148 706/161
2 circuits A/MVA 314/72 358/82 398/91 444/102 493/113 545/125 591/135
Al conductor cables circuit A/MVA 289/66 332/76 371/85 420/96 474/108 533/122 591/135
2 circuits A/MVA 246/56 282/64 315/72 356/81 400/91 448/102 495/113
Type (A)2XS(FL)2Y RMS/50 76/132 with segmental conductor (RMS)
Dimensions/Cross Sections mm² 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2500
Conductor, round, stranded, segmental, approx. 22,0 20,0 19,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 16,0
Screen, copper wire, cross section nom. /km 0,0291 0,0247 0,0212 0,0186 0,0165 0,0149 0,0119
Cu conductor resistance 90°C approx. /km 0,0176 0,0151 0,0129 0,0113 0,0101 0,0090 0,0072
Al conductor max. 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,15 1,20 1,20
Electrical Data
Cu conductor resistance 20°C max. 82
Cable weight (Cu/Al) approx. /km 0,0232 0,0201 0,0175 0,0156 0,0142 0,0129 0,0109
Al conductor approx. /km 0,127 0,0973 0,0781 0,0618 0,0492 0,0393 0,0326
Al conductor approx. kV/mm 6,3 6,5 6,5 6,4 6,7 6,6 6,5
at core screen approx. kg/m 15/9,1 17/9,7 19/10 21/11 23/12 25/13 30/15
Permissible pulling force (Cu/Al) max. µF/km 0,107 0,121 0,134 0,151 0,163 0,177 0,212
Inductance approx. mm² 110 110 110 110 110 110 110
Outer diameter approx. 16,0 15,0 15,0 15,0 14,0 14,0 14,0
Screen, copper wire, cross section nom.6
132 Single Core XLPE Cables with Copper Wire Screen and APL Sheath (Standard Design)
Type (A)2XS(FL)2Y RM/50 76/132 with stranded compacted conductor (RM)
Dimensions/Cross Sections mm² 185 240 300 400 500 630 800
Conductor, Al, round, stranded, approx. 16,1 18,3 20,7 23,4 26,5 30,0 34,2
XLPE insulation nom. /km 0,211 0,161 0,129 0,101 0,0791 0,0622 0,0500
Field strength U0
at conductor screen approx. kV/mm 2,0 2,3 2,5 2,8 2,9 3,0 3,5
Capacitance per core approx. 101 102 106 113
Cable weight (Cu/Al) approx. /km 0,0375 0,0319 0,0275 0,0240 0,0213 0,0193 0,0156
Field strength U0
at conductor screen approx. mH/km 0,56 0,55 0,53 0,52 0,51 0,50 0,47
Current Ratings/Power Ratings (continuous load) flat installation
Cu conductor cables circuit A/MVA 999/228 1074/246 1155/264 1226/280 1285/294 1346/308 1465/335
2 circuits A/MVA 852/195 915/209 984/225 1043/238 1091/249 1144/262 1244/284
Al conductor cables circuit A/MVA 791/181 859/196 929/212 997/228 1058/242 1114/255 1244/284
2 circuits A/MVA 675/154 732/167 791/181 849/194 900/206 947/217 1057/242
. mm² 50
Outer diameter approx. kV/mm 3,7 4,0 4,1 4,1 4,5 4,5 4,6
Capacitance per core approx. µF/km 0,245 0,271 0,286 0,301 0,332 0,346 0,378
Inductance approx. 2,30 2,35 2,45 2,50 2,55 2,65 2,80
at terminations min