High Voltage Cable Systems Cables and Accessories up to 550 kV

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Development, consultancy, planning and design, cost-optimization, production, logistics, installation and service. With this all-round support the nkt cables HV-team will be at ourcustomer’s service in regard of the products high voltage and extra-high voltage cables and accessories. Optimized internal communication systems, specialized divisions and intensively trained team members are the power behind the customer-orientated installation solutions. With competence and know-how the nkt cables “Power Team” provides secure and reliable power supply wherever fully developed high-voltage power transmission is ...

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are available for.28 Engineering Works Installation and Services Installation Works Taking care … is the driving force nkt cables’ activities in this field. From the very beginning both companies, NKT CABLES Denmark and Felten & Guilleaume Germany, had their own skilled personnel and appropriate installation equip- ment in-house. Hydraulic calculations are made for selection feeding tanks and oil pressure settings. Measurements are made site allow for consideration the actual conditions. Starting the earliest stages a project, are focussed the customer’s benefit, provide him with solutions tailored just what actually needed, assist in The services nkt cables include various tasks beginning with consultation the clients. oil filled cables gas pressure cables XLPE cables and submarine cables by our own serviceteam. For example, current rating calculations are performed considering special conditions of the individual case.. this way nkt cables can efficiently contribute reliability and longevity your electricity transmission and distribution system. . Design and calculations are made to prepare solid basis for selection the optimum version. Installation and services Furthermore, calculations are performed of pulling forces and mechanical stresses on the cables during laying. To sum up: Making use nkt cables’ ex- pertise and engineering assistance already in the design stage, the first step for smooth realization the project. Re-routing and looping-in oil filled cable circuits often requires re-checking the oil feeding systems. modification existing systems, always keep- ing eye technically most feasible and economic solutions. avoid bottlenecks, improve- ment thermal conditions might neces- sary, the effect which can checked by calculations. Based that, decisions can made supply lengths of cables and most suitable joint positions. Adding additional cable circuits exist- ing systems may require re-calculation of the transmission capacity the complete arrangement. Today nkt cables disposes of installation departments Copenhagen and Cologne, both with full ability install and maintain high voltage cable systems, be it paper insulated cables XLPE cables of most advanced design. Re-routing and looping-in all kinds existing high voltage cables our daily business. Of course, induced screen voltages for normal operation and under short circuit conditions are calculated and considered this context. Options are worked out to allow assessment special measures which might taken. Not only installing new systems our business: With respect the life span elapsed for many cable installations, nkt cables’ per- sonnel well experienced for example in refurbishing terminations deteriorated by corrosion. The relevant calculations can also made nkt cables’ personnel.