High Voltage Cable Systems Cables and Accessories up to 550 kV

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Development, consultancy, planning and design, cost-optimization, production, logistics, installation and service. With this all-round support the nkt cables HV-team will be at ourcustomer’s service in regard of the products high voltage and extra-high voltage cables and accessories. Optimized internal communication systems, specialized divisions and intensively trained team members are the power behind the customer-orientated installation solutions. With competence and know-how the nkt cables “Power Team” provides secure and reliable power supply wherever fully developed high-voltage power transmission is ...

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The dry type termination for XLPE cables is completely free from any liquid or gaseous filling medium. Protective spark gaps are available an option.) 1400 1900 2100 2800 3200 4200 5000 Contact nkt cables check whether the dry termination available for your application. Apart from the environmental aspect, the dry design provides further advantages like easier installation and need for filling equip- ment, both contributing significant sav- ings for installation the terminations.) mm2 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 Length (approx. For use higher polluted areas, insulators with longer creepage distances are available. The insulator may supplied brown grey colour. Technical Data Highest voltage Um kV 72,5 145 170 245 300 420 550 Lightning impulse voltage 350 650 750 1050 1050 1425 1550 Conductor Cu/Al (max. Dry Type Outdoor Termination . use for many years and has the longest and satisfactory service history.23 Outdoor Terminations The different versions the terminations are designed for operation under severe outdoor conditions and operation voltage up to 550 kV. OHL towers. This advantageous with respect lifting equipment needed for installation and also for supporting constructions, e. Outdoor Termination with Composite Insulator This termination type available for XLPE cables. The terminations can also used indoor where appropriate space provided. Standard versions are designed for pollution level III IV.g. The composite insulator, however, of much lower weight. The basic design identi- cal with that the porcelain termination. Outdoor Termination with Porcelain Insulator This termination type covers the full range from 72,5 420 kV. avail- able for gas pressure cables, oil filled cables and for XLPE cables