High Voltage Cable Systems Cables and Accessories up to 550 kV

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Development, consultancy, planning and design, cost-optimization, production, logistics, installation and service. With this all-round support the nkt cables HV-team will be at ourcustomer’s service in regard of the products high voltage and extra-high voltage cables and accessories. Optimized internal communication systems, specialized divisions and intensively trained team members are the power behind the customer-orientated installation solutions. With competence and know-how the nkt cables “Power Team” provides secure and reliable power supply wherever fully developed high-voltage power transmission is ...

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Therefore, you our customer can expect the products supplied you nkt cables optimized to the task being reliable part the “vital nerve” power transmission. Electricity belongs life like the air breathe. The company seat is Cologne and today consists plants in European countries and one plant China. The company seat is Cologne and today consists plants in European countries and one plant China. Take us at our word! Production Plants 1 Cologne 2 Nordenham 3 Hettstedt 4 Berlin 5 Asnæs 6 Stenlille 7 Kladno 8 Vrchlabí 9 Velké Mezirící 10 Warszowice 11 Drammen 12 Changzhou 1 2 3 7 98 5 11 6 12 ˇ ˇ 4 10 .2 nkt cables part world, counting reliable and available electrical power Today world without electrical power is unthinkable. Who nkt cables? nkt cables GmbH part the nkt cables group GmbH, group originated from the Danish NKT CABLES with plants Denmark and Poland and the former Felten Guilleaume Kabelwerke GmbH with plants Germany, Czech Republic and China. We are aware this responsibility. The way take the use of electricity for granted day in, day out our homes, traffic, work, the industry it is extremely important supply this “elixir of life” reliable and economic way. Take our word! Who nkt cables? nkt cables GmbH part the nkt cables group GmbH, group originated from the Danish NKT CABLES with plants Denmark and Poland and the former Felten Guilleaume Kabelwerke GmbH with plants Germany, Czech Republic and China