Poznámky redaktora
Production housings
We produce cast aluminum housings diecasting,
permanent mold sand casting processes different
metal alloys. Naturally, also
take care the chemical pretreatment primer. order develop a
comprehensive solution, namely your BEST CUSTOMER
SOLUTION. also assemble FOC cables the basis of
plastic, glass (monomode, gradient and grade index) or
HCS fibers. For years HARTING has been producing
high-quality sheet metal housings, for example, made
from stainless steel, steel, nickel silver aluminum, as
well plastic housings.
People Power Partnership
. assemble bus
cables for Ethernet, Profibus other communication
protocols. are happy work with your data and, in
close cooperation with you, create the right product for
your application while, course, always using the most
innovative HARTING connectivity technologies.
Cable assembly
HARTING produces cabling solutions with standard,
hybrid special cables, well cable sets for complete
machine and switch cabinet cabling.
System solutions
According our understanding, system solutions mean
implementing your requirements for functionality,
dimensions, color, etc.
Surface finishing
We offer EMC treatments, paint finishes powder
coating surface finishes any color