Harting Sbírka katalogů říjen 2013

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Vydal: HARTING s.r.o. Autor: HARTING

Strana 717 z 808

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Poznámky redaktora
y New Thinking creating Wind Energy Innovations HARTING has turned “New Thinking” into business strategy. n \ a i r H. Harmonious, tailored solutions generating customer benefits can only created when device interfaces, device installation and networks are seamlessly alig­ ned with one another. In this context, HARTING bringing specific innovations to the wind energy sector that are upgraded through the provision services create complex sub-systems such as slip ring coupling ready-made cable sets, well as fielding active and passive network components all perfectly adapted the given applications. With “New Thinking”, HARTING Connectivity & Networks generating solutions from the harmonious triad Installation Technology, Device Connectivity and Automation for all the lifelines which automation depends: Data Signal Power