Harting Sbírka katalogů říjen 2013

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However, must taken into account that this only valid for a cable length metre. ^ The shielding effectiveness deteriorates considerably when the cable length increased, for example, metres. 3. ^ conclusion, can said that the characteristic curve of the cable approaches that the connector. . That is, both components are equivalent far their shielding effectiveness concerned. Thus over engineering avoided and total system costs are kept minimum.64 3.6. Some cables have greater shielding effectiveness compared standard connector.7 “Optimal system” There one main precondition for “optimal system”: All the single components should have the same shielding effectiveness. Han standard Han standard LiYCY-cable housing LiYCY-cable Line-injection method 1MHz 10MHz 100MHz 1GHz VG 95214-11-12 Frequency Fig.98: Shielding effectiveness measurements ■=> The measurement results for pre-assembled cables depend on the shielding effectiveness the connector The shielding effectiveness pre-assembled cable can only good as that the "weakest component".5