Harting Sbírka katalogů říjen 2013

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Vydal: HARTING s.r.o. Autor: HARTING

Strana 624 z 808

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Poznámky redaktora
HARTING M12 Crimp People Power Partnership 25 . By consolidating multiple media single enclosure, ALSTOM has rationalized its connection system and created standardized design for every application. HARTING connectors are found broad range other applications. cope with the increased number operational management (SAE) and passenger information systems onboard the new CITADIS trains, ALSTOM has installed Ethernet networks standard equipment and selected the Han Quintax® the connectors. High-density Han DD® contact inserts also save space. HARTING connectors also used for internal connec­ tions ALSTOM has also selected HARTING connectors for use inside the CITADIS streetcars. The M12 with crimp term inals has been approved connect the different onboard systems (ticket systems, passenger counting, etc. These Han® series connectors were developed specifically for very dirty environm ents and salt air, which are conditions that commonly occur the roof of trains. The EASY PLUG system deserves special mention.The connector portfolio The portfolio connectors used these vehicles includes (Han® and (Han® HPR) prod­ ucts. The Han-Modular® series includes large variety connectors, and they are now used power circuits, for example the 100 axial screw module that has been designed into the safety circuits CITADIS trains. It is based the DIN POWER series and allows plug-in cards inserted “blindly” into slot without the risk of faulty connections destruction the backplane plug. Product specifications extended include onboard instrum ent communications HARTING has expanded the product specifications to include onboard communications anagem ent system the trains, and ALSTOM has approved the Han Quintax® for the FIP and MVB networks.)