Harting Sbírka katalogů říjen 2013

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Vydal: HARTING s.r.o. Autor: HARTING

Strana 605 z 808

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Poznámky redaktora
The HARTING Technology Group has nurtured close customer rela­ tionships for many years become one the world’s leading suppliers connectivity technology. Intelligent connectors, sophisticated infrastructure solutions and well-engineered network systems reflect HARTING’s expertise and craftsmanship. Systems function reliably wherever HARTING part the equa­ tion. Simulation tools, test and diagnostic systems and a scanning electron microscope are available our cen­ tral lab (EN 45001 certified) support our engineers as they develop the next generation interface solutions which comply with tomorrow’s and EMC require­ ments. HARTING supplies innovative RFID and ireless technology in addition packaging and housings made plastic, aluminum and stainless steel. Examples HARTING’s expertise include microstructure technology, mounting and connector technology and high-temperature and high-frequency solutions that are deployed telecommunications and automation networks, the automotive industry well as in industrial sensor and actuator applications. Our products are tailored individual customer needs. create cost effective solutions ranging from fabricated cable solutions, completely populated back­ planes and board system carriers all the way through to fully wired and tested control consoles. Choosing HARTING eans entering innovative, complex world concepts and ideas HARTING has the standard tools and basic technology you would expect from company that develops cost- optimized connectivity and network solutions for wide range applications.e HARTING technology creates added value for customers HARTING products are work 24/7, worldwide. HARTING overcomes technology barriers HARTING fully utilizes the resources its extensive technology pool develop practical solutions for its cus­ tomers. HARTING taps into wealth research and application resources aintain its technology leadership. But there more the story than that. Our solutions offer long-term value, protect the customer investment and enable the customer achieve high value add. HARTING offers components and comprehensive solutions for industrial networking anufacturing automation applications, hybrid interface solutions for wireless telecommunications infrastructure, circuit carriers with superfine structures and cable assemblies for high-temperature applications the automotive in­ dustry. HARTING leverages its broad experience base to create new solutions while ensuring continuity at the same time. Beyond satisfying arket demand for basic functionality, we also offer specific, innovative solutions eet indi­ vidual customer needs. The selection aterials and anufacturing 6