Harting Sbírka katalogů říjen 2013

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Vydal: HARTING s.r.o. Autor: HARTING

Strana 604 z 808

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Poznámky redaktora
The local team acts the interface corporate devel­ opment and production organizations. Our vision: Pushing Performance HARTING delivers components which work very well together. However, order give our customers the best possible solution, HARTING can even further to become integral part the value-add process. Our customers around the world can always rely the outstanding quality our products. What they all have common, however, the attempt achieve perfection, workflow efficiency and reliable technology, and this exactly w hat HARTING can deliver Europe, America and Asia. Close proximity the custom er The increasing level industrialization around the world creates expanding markets characterized very diverse requirem ents.Our goal top performance While connectors guarantee functionality, they are by no means mere accessories. These professionals offer consultancy during the initial product development phase ensure that our customers have access the best possible solutions for their products. Our goal axim um benefit the customer with compromises. Connector reliability makes crucial contribution to the problem-free operation production, telecommu­ nications and medical systems and whole host of other applications well. This high standard performance is the result focused, non-compromising quality m anagem ent that certified and audited regu­ lar basis for compliance ISO 9001, EMAS and ISO 14001:2004. People Power Partnership. take proactive approach new requirem ents, and HARTING ranks the first rail equipm ent supplier receive the new IRIS quality certificate. Our portfolio includes cable assemblies, control racks and ready-to-go operator consoles. The HARTING team our international subsidiar­ ies takes partnership role the customer relation­ ship. Quality enhances reliability and creates confidence The HARTING brand stands for exceptional quality around the world. The ongoing development of our technologies protects customer investment and ensures long-term functionality. They form core element of today’s optical and electrical connectivity and in­ frastructure technology, and support modular machine and system design wide range user industries