Poznámky redaktora
LEDs robust and durable
HARTING has engaged close cooperation with its
customers developing new lighting solutions. they deliver very high light yield per
unit electric power, and hence consume very little in
the way energy.g. the event fault,
they gradually lose power rather than fail suddenly. In
addition, the bulbs require regular replacement, their
service life relatively short comparison the
lifetim the turbine.
However, this particular choice does entail number of
disadvantages: the installation these lamps labor
intensive and, consequence, time-consuming. with the aid 18W bulbs. LEDs
are not susceptible impacts shocks and not
degrade under repeated switching. LEDs
also require maintenance and offer very high degree
of efficiency, i.
i. result, the internal tower
lighting generates high costs both during installation
and again subsequently rin operation and
Safe lighting
In order comply with occupational health and safety
requirements, the towers wind turbines require full
internal illumination. Fluorescent lamps are commonly
used for this purpose, with integrated emergency lighting
functions realized e. The service life LED is
significantly higher than that conventional bulbs.e. With
light-em itting diodes (LEDs), light source now
available which offers number key advantages