Poznámky redaktora
addition the electric interface, the
HARTING slip ring connection also has integral thermal
b arrier that protects against increased oil pan
temperatures. This provides three-
phase voltage supply with 100 modules, the 4-wire
bus with Han®-Quintax (e. 2). special tools are required.
The electrical connection point which transmits the
signals for the pitch control system the hub based
on Han-Modular® contact inserts. The control signals can upgraded poles
with the aid Han® DDD modules (Fig. During
maintenance work, the slip rin connector can be
exchanged without any interventions into the pitch
control system and without rem oving the connecting
cables (Fig. order meet these goals, need market
players who are capable realizing large-scale projects. 1).g.
As long-standing, key partner the wind energy
industry, HARTING develops innovative system solutions
in close cooperation with manufacturers and suppliers. During the
process joining the connector, guidance provided
via two sturdy stainless steel pins which engage two
brass sockets. Fast Ethernet) and control
signals. of
the slip ring coupling meets the requirements for 65
in terms resistance splashwater.
Connection for slip rings
Slip ring connectors, which form the electrical interface
between the hub (rotating) and the nacelle (stationary),
are one the most maintenance-intensive components
in wind turbine.
All HARTING systems meet the tough demands the wind
energy industry, including applications with temperatures
ranging from -40 +80 requiring high mechanical
and electrical reliability, also under rotational loads,
vibrations and shocks. Once this has happened, Han® docking
frames with floating mounting and Han-Modular®
hinged frames take care the exact alignment the
electrical contacts and thus guarantee high operational
Polished system solutions
New system solutions for well-poised industry improve
profits and availability wind turbines
The political ill shift increasing proportion our
energy supplies renewable resources has been clearly
stated. The joint between parts and (Fig. Thanks innovative new type of
plug-in coupling developed HARTING, the process of
replacing slip ring connectors has been simplified, and
system downtime has been reduced result