Harting Sbírka katalogů říjen 2013

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Vydal: HARTING s.r.o. Autor: HARTING

Strana 514 z 808

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Poznámky redaktora
core elements of electrical and optical wiring, connection and infrastructure technologies, they are essential in enabling the modular construction devices, machines and systems across very wide range industrial applications. In this way, our customers can rely consistently high, superior product quality worldwide. Always hand, wherever our customers may be. The standards set are the result consistent, stringent quality management that is subject regular certifications and audits. EN ISO 9001, the Eco-Audit and ISO 14001:2004 are key elements here. Our claim: Pushing Performance. order serve our customers ith the best possible solutions, HARTING able contribute great deal more and play closely integrative role the value creation process. Their reliability crucial factor guaranteeing smooth functioning the anufacturing area, telecommunications, applications medical technology fact, connectors are work virtually every conceivable application area. take proactive stance new requirem ents, which why HARTING ranks among the first companies worldwide have obtained the new IRIS quality certificate for rail vehicles. The search for perfection, increasingly efficient processes and reliable technologies common factor all sectors across the globe. The HARTING professionals our international subsidiaries engage close, partnership based interaction ith our customers, right from the very early product development phases, order realize customer demands and requirem ents the best possible manner. HARTING provides more than optimally attuned components. Thanks the consistent further development our technologies, customers enjoy investm ent security and benefit from durable, long term functionality. 3 . The HARTING brand stands for superior quality and reliability worldwide. Connectors ensure functionality. HARTING providing these technologies Europe, America and Asia. Our people location form the interface the centrally coordinated development and production departments.aspire top performance. Increasing industrialization creating growing markets characterized widely diverging demands and requirem ents. From ready assembled cables through control racks or ready-to-go control desks: Our aim generate the maximum benefits for our customers without compromise! Quality creates reliability and warrants trust