im ISO 9001 and 001 rtifie d
32 HARTING ponent Range
A sse -te ith lity HARTING used
fo pow er, signal and ata ctio s.HARTING ffe sive rtfo lio sse lie This rtfo lio
range clu tio based er, rid and glass fib re
a ssem blies.
The HARTING PushPull and cla ssic Han® hou sin ith ir
o tic and r-b rts open lic tio stry, r
a system and lica tio s.
D iffe and tio e
range lic tio .
W ith QSFP+ and SFP+ sse lie HARTING rtin cre sin g
d tra tes ire rke These igh -sp ble
a sse lie are usable bit second