The Ha-VIS and Ha-VIS sCon itch unm anaged
S itch and itc ode and
n tia tio and rity .O.
A tal hou sin g
Plug Play lla tio ith Ha-VIS on
Ha-VIS ith SNM and eb-A ccess
E itc Data tra tes it/s
Ha-VIS lly fig all
a lic tio s
F.Ethernet Switches
The Fast and itch the ilie Ha-VIS ,
3 Ha-VIS sig tria areas. rts are vailab sin gle lti ode
ve rsio s
E itch ith tio l
te range +70 vailab le
Ha-VIS rts ccess r
m SNM and eb-A ccess
im ISO 9001 and 001 rtifie d
16 HARTING ponent Range
Real Tim lic tio can asily ith tiv Fast Track
S itc y.
The Ha-VIS itch anaged itc and ith
co sive tio